AMPD Enertainer Powers Tower Cranes On A Data Centre Construction Project

Construction company Kapitol Group adopted two of our AMPD Enertainer BESS as a diesel-free solution to power tower cranes on a data centre construction project in Victoria.


Kapitol Group





The Challenge

Unreliable Temporary Power & CO2 Emission Concerns

Kapitol Group were looking for a low carbon solution to power on-site tower cranes, amenities and switchboards on a data centre construction site in Victoria. They were struggling to find a reliable source of temporary power that also aligned with the company’s sustainability vision and values.  

Unreliable diesel generators

Excessive CO2 emissions

Costly downtime for generator maintenance

The Solution

The AMPD Enertainer BESS

Blue Diamond Machinery supplied Kapitol Group with two AMPD Enertainer BESS to replace diesel as the primary source of temporary power on-site. 

Either supplementing or completely replacing large diesel generators, the Enertainer provides a clean, consistent source of power with less diesel fumes, noise and CO2 emissions. It is specially designed to handle the surging load demands of construction equipment like tower cranes, delivering a reliable power source without the risk of generator underloading or glazing. The unit only calls on a small backup generator to charge the battery intermittently, allowing Kaptiol Group to meet their efficiency and carbon reduction targets. 

30x quieter than diesel generators

70-90% lower carbon footprint

Constant, reliable power source

The Outcome

Reliable, Emission Free Construction Power

AMPD’s Enertainer unit provided Kapitol Group with a reliable, low emission power source for 3 of their on-site tower cranes. The Enertainer’s lithium-ion battery technology ensured a constant power source, minimising the risk of downtime due to generator maintenance, while lowering on-site noise and CO2 emissions. 

Opting to use BESS like the Enertainer also aligns with Kapitol Group’s key vision and values around sustainability.  

Zero carbon emissions from the unit

Significant fuel savings

Less generator runtime & less maintenance

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