Telfer: Prime & Emergency Power For A Mine Camp

Blue Diamond Machinery provided a fleet of Denyo generators to power a remote mine camp in the Pilbara region.


Newcrest Mining Limited


Telfer Mine, Western Australia



The Challenge

Sourcing Reliable Power In Remote, Harsh Conditions

The Telfer Mine is a gold, silver and copper mine located 1,300km from Perth. Operators of the mine, Newcrest Mining, sought a reliable solution to provide prime and emergency power for essential and critical equipment in the mining camp. Operating in the Great Sandy Desert in WA’s Pilbara region, the power source needed to be able to withstand the extremely hot and dusty working environment. 

Hot and dusty conditions

Limited access to the grid

Costly refuelling

The Solution

Six Denyo Generators & A Self-Bunded Fuel Tank

Blue Diamond Machinery supplied a fleet of 6 Denyo DCA-150ESK 3-phase diesel generators to successfully power the mining camp, along with a self-bunded 4,000L diesel storage fuel tank. The Denyo generators were mounted on skids to ensure easy relocation and were set up to run parallel with one another, increasing their reliability and efficiency.

The Denyo DCA-150ESK generators feature a noise-minimising enclosure lined with special vibration-absorbing polymer material to reduce vibration and ensure noise didn’t disrupt the camp.

Zero reliance on the grid

Reliable, efficient power

Easily relocatable

The Outcome

Quiet, Reliable & Efficient Power

The installation of the Denyo generators meant Telfer’s mine camp was able to enjoy robust, efficient and weather-resistant power for the ongoing operation. Running the generators in parallel increased the reliability and efficiency of the system, while the accompanying 4000L fuel storage tank eliminated the hassle of disruptive refuelling and fuel logistics.

Less diesel refuelling or handling

Significant reduction in noise pollution

Eliminates the risk of power disruption

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